12-14 Midland Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042

Frequently Asked Questions

What Time Does Your Worship Service Begin?
We gather for worship at 11:00am on Sunday's except in the summer when our worship begins at 10:00am. We are prompt to start on time every time. Our worship designs tend to be a blend of contemporary and traditional styles. We are a Spirit-led people.

What kind of music can I expect?
We have many trained professional musicians who share in our choirs on Sunday morning. We are committed to singing a wide range of music in the Christian tradition including gospel, spirituals, contemporary, jazz, blues, hymns and chants. We utilize a wide variety of instruments including drums, piano, organ, tambourines, electric guitars, acoustic guitars and bass. Our Jazz Vespers are occasions when the various genres of music are played on diverse instruments.

What kind of preaching can I expect?
Our pastor preaches most of the sermons here at Union. His sermons tend to be about 30 minutes in length. He preaches the gospel in conversation with a wide variety of social justice issues. We have many accomplished guest preachers throughout the year for our annual celebrations including Mother's Day, Father's Day, Baccalaureate Sunday, Deacon and Trustees Annual Day, Church Anniversary and Pastor's Anniversary.

Is the church accessible for people who have physical challenges?
Yes. If you enter the building on Midland Avenue there is a chair lift available that will make it possible to enter into the Sanctuary. The DC Rice Hall is also accessible from Midland Avenue.

How can I find a place in the church where my gifts can be appreciated and used?
We are serious about creating pathways to participation. In our discipleship classes, we share with person's materials that convey who we are, what we are about and what ministry opportunities are available. We stand by new persons in our fellowship to help them navigate their way to a place of belonging, acceptance and fulfillment. We want everyone to find their authentic place in ministry here at Union!

Can I have my child dedicated at your church?
We believe that every infant/child is a gift from God. We dedicate them to God recognizing they belong to God and have been entrusted into our care. We facilitate dedicatory services until the person is of age and consciousness to make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord. The process begins with a request of the parent (s) /or guardian. You are asked to fill out a form and meet with the pastor to prepare for the dedicatory service. This dedication is done after our worship experience on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

What is the process for being baptized at the church?
We believe that a person who confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and believes God has raised Jesus from the dead is already a baptized believer. We share in the ordinance of baptism in obedience to the commandment of our Lord and it affirms what has happened in the life of a believer. We prepare a person for baptism in our discipleship classes. Once a person completes all of their discipleship classes, the pastor recommends that the candidate be baptized. Baptism is done on 4th Sundays.

When am a considered a full member of the church?
The process begins with responding to an invitation to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We will ask you a few questions to have a sense of your intention. If you wish to live out your faith in Union Baptist Church, we ask you to attend our discipleship classes. If you come as a candidate for baptism, you can be recommended for baptism upon completion of classes. On the first Sunday of every month, we extend the right hand of fellowship to our new members who have met the aforementioned requirements.

How do I dress for worship at Union?
We dress modestly and comfortably. On any given day in Union, you will see people wearing suits, hats and dresses as well as jeans, sneakers and slacks. We believe God is more interested in what is in the heart of a person than what they wear on the outside. That being said, we do ask that all persons refrain from provocative clothing and that men remove their hats when entering the church edifice.

What ministries are available for my children?
On every 2nd and 3rd Sundays we have Children's and Youth Church in DC Rice Hall. This is for ages 4-18 years old. We write our own curriculum and also utilize materials from various sources. We utilize our technological equipment to communicate the gospel in a child/youth friendly manner. On 4th Sundays, we have children/youth and young adult worship and on the 4th Sunday in November we have an all-youth and young adult led worship service. We also have a host of other ministries ranging from Sunday School, liturgical dance to social justice ministries that challenge their growth.

What Bible Study programs do you offer?
We have Sunday School for all ages every Sunday beginning at 9:00am in the Lower Sanctuary. We have Prayer Meetings and Bible Study available on Wednesday nights starting at 7:00pm in the DC Rice Hall. We also have a Senior Bible Study on Thursdays at 12:00pm in the DC Rice Hall. We also have discipleship classes for our newest disciples.

Can I participate in ministry activities of the church if I am not a member?
Yes. You can share in our Worship experience, Bible Study, Sunday School, Musical Ministry, Children and Youth Ministries and the like. You cannot participate in a Church meeting or the meetings of program ministries where matters in the life of the community are being decided but everything else is open.

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Vision Statement

"Union Baptist Church is seeking transformation as we lift up Jesus Christ who empowers all to live transformed lives."

More Info

12-14 Midland Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042
All Rights Reserved ©2025 - Union Baptist Church of Montclair
Site: Two Mites