The Bereavement Ministry, a sub ministry of the Health and Wellness Ministry, is an outreach ministry whose goal is to provide comfort and support to individuals who are grieving the death of a loved one. To provide pastoral care in situations of loss and bereavement. To identify ministry partners who will share and encourage through similar loss experiences. To gather periodically as a group for encouragement and support.
The goals and purpose of the Christian Education Ministry (CEM) is to plan, administer, execute and to supervise the entire educational ministry of the church and to promote Christian learning and growth. The current focus is on continuing the development of Sunday School curriculum to complement Bible Study and Sunday morning preaching. Strengthening the assimilation process of the new disciples into the life of UBC, by creating a teaching process which includes; MEMBERSHIP, MATURITY, MINISTRY and MISSION.
The Christian Education Ministry (CEM) is an official office of the church according to the churches constitution. Members of the CEM are nominated by the people of the church, and confirmed by the people at the annual church conference.
● The Union Baptist Sunday School seeks to religiously educate families for the purpose of laying a foundation on which individuals can make a genuine decision to live for Jesus and to provide opportunities to grow in the knowledge of that decision. We do this through the teaching and application of God's Word.
● Vacation Bible School
Disciples organize to promote the mission of Union Baptist Church to the general public and among members of the congregation through the accurate transmission of church related information. The Communications Ministry uses a variety of forms of media to publicize ministry events including print, video, audio and the internet through its website. The ministry aims to maximize Union's ability to reach, encourage, and empower through the Word of God. Ministry goals are to cover and distribute advance notification/announcements and follow-up documentation of all church outreach ministry and events by using press releases, email announcements, website, Facebook, video and photos.
Dance Ministry
Dance Ministry strives to encourage physical and spiritual discipline in worship and service through movement, and to build a technical, worshipful, edifying repertoire that helps to enforce its ministry description. The ministry performs at least 6 new pieces each year. There is both a children’s and an adult division of the Dance Ministry.
The Diaconate Ministry is responsible for the administrative work of the church and assists the Pastor in his/her duties. The deacons cooperate with the pastor in promoting the spiritual welfare of the church, through evangelistic and discipleship programs and provide pastoral care through the Family Care Ministry. The deacons also lead prayer meetings, prepare for the observance of the ordinances, disburse benevolence funding, serve as the church's disciplinary board, and periodically update the membership rolls. Deacons interview prospective members, and assist the Board of Finance in securing the funds required to finance the budget adopted by the church.
The Education & Career Ministry of resources-- focused on encouraging, educating and supporting disciples in pursuit of higher educational opportunities. To guide, enhance skills, and to increase educational knowledge for disciples pursuing future educational goals and dreams. These goals will be accomplished through workshops, mentorship, field trips, career fairs, financial scholarship support, and resource materials.
LEWIS FINGER (returning applicant)
This ministry provides floral decorations for the pulpit and special occasions.
The Health and Wellness Ministry strives to promote the "whole person" principle that we are made up of mind, body & spirit and by inter-connecting these three, we can live lives to a fuller extent for God.
We are working to break down the stigma, surrounding various illnesses, including mental illness, and bridge the gap between emotional wellness and spiritual wellness. Through our partnership with the PEWS program, a division of the Mental Health Association in New Jersey, we will provide education to clergy, lay staff and congregants to better recognize emotional difficulties, treatment options and provide links to available community resources.
The Health and Wellness Ministry seeks to become part of the discharge planning process for persons being released from hospitals, halfway programs or incarceration to provide ministry with reaching the lost for Christ and to become a source of information and support for those who are experiencing health challenges both personally and with family members.
The Marriage Enrichment Ministry is designed to offer empowerment to married couples through sound biblical and practical teachings, which will result in stronger spousal relationships and healthier families. The Ministry looks to help husbands and wives understand the biblical principles of marriage; enhance Christian marriages by equipping couples with tools for better communication and growth; care for couples striving to maintain healthy spiritual marital relationships and to seek to encourage quality time with spouses through opportunities to fellowship with other married couples, thus creating a stronger support system.
Unite and gather men for fellowship under the direction of our Pastor. Assist in the activities and upkeep of the church, as requested by the Pastor and/or church leadership. Requirement to participate is the willingness to share in the love of Christ.
The primary goal of the Missionary Ministry is to feed and clothe those in need and ultimately win souls for Christ and embrace the community. Another goal is that through our ministry, we help our church be a beacon of light within our community. Through the pantry ministry, some of our patrons and their families have come to know Christ and join our church. The Union Baptist Church Food Pantry was founded on the 4th Sunday of November 2004. The vision was given to God to Deacon Marie Love to feed the poor and hungry. This is based on Matthew 25:35. On November 15th, 2008, the pantry was renamed and dedicated by the pastor and church to become "The Norman and Marie Love Food Pantry". It is a non-profit ministry working to eliminate hunger through nutritious food distribution and advocacy in cooperation with the community. The Missionary ministry is under the oversight of the Deacons. The main operation of the ministry is the pantry.
The Outreach Ministry seeks to lift up the name of Jesus Christ in an opportunity for evangelical ministry, take an active part in the life of the community by participating in two town-wide special events, informing its citizens of who we are as a church and how we might be of service to them. The Parade Committee shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our neighbors while experiencing fellowship with one another (and having fun in the process) in an effort to save souls and encourage residents to visit our church, with the possibility of becoming members. Some Outreach Ministry event include:
● Activism
● Father's Day and Mother's Day Events
● Jazz Vespers
● Parades
● (Montclair African American Heritage Day Parade and Festival/ 4th of July)
● PraiseFest
● Window Ministry
Pulpit Aide Ministry
The Union Baptist Church Pulpit Aide Ministry is charged with the responsibility to provide the necessary support and serve the Pastor, ministerial staff, and Pulpit guests with whatever they need to carry out God's mission of shepherding His people.
The Transportation Ministry is an outreach ministry designed to provide shuttle service to members of the church to and from morning worship service and other church-related activities.
The Adult and Junior Ushers serve as doorkeepers at the Union Baptist Church of Montclair. Ushers meet, greet, seat worshippers, pass out literature, collect the offering and keep order during service.
Primarily provides for the needs of senior citizens who are either at home or who are living in various senior citizen buildings. Visit periodically and provide encouragement and spiritual care to those who are disciples of the congregation.
The Welcome Ministry consistently provides a warm and friendly greeting of welcome to every visitor during our Worship Services, creating a lasting and positive first impression from the Ministry and the members of Union Baptist Church. The Welcome Ministry is also available to help guide anyone needing direction or assistance and aim to provide a friendly atmosphere for all who enter the doors of this church.
The Windows Ministry works diligently to beautify the windows of D.C. Rice Hall while lifting up the name of Jesus Christ, thus being a witness to the community at large.
The Women's Ministry of Union Baptist Church Montclair strives to promote a growing, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to build fellowship and support with and for one another, and to provide opportunities for ministry within our church and throughout our community. Create a relevant (building Christian character) and a relational (connecting with one another) environment. Facilitate and nurture healthy relationships with one another through study, prayer, worship and workshops. The Ministry's current focus is to establish a strong foundation with Christ and the women of Union through various activities to include coming together for prayer and bible study as well as a time of fellowship to strengthen the bond of sisterhood.
The Youth Ministry is comprised of children and youth (ages 3-18), their parents, and other adult volunteers. The mission of the children and youth ministry is to lead them to experiencing and being transformed by the Risen Christ; to disciple them into understanding and living out the Christian faith; and to equip them for service in the world. We are seeking to facilitate a maturation process helping children and youth discover their vocation and equipping them to live out that sense of calling in the world.
Our goals are threefold:
-To support the spiritual growth and formation of our youth and their families;
-To provide ministry (service) opportunities for youth to participate in;
-To strengthen the fellowship among youngsters and families with children at UBC.
Our ministry includes the youth and children's choirs, youth band, youth dancers. We also interface with and support Christian Education initiatives and programs that involve or are geared to youngsters.
The Youth Ministry welcomes all young people, families with children, and interested adult volunteers to share in efforts to grow healthy, faithful young disciples for Christ at Union Baptist Church.
The purpose of the Young Adult Ministry is to help young adults feel comfortable and welcome in the house of the Lord with open minds and spirits, provide support to each other without the burden of expectation, often felt when adults are present and attract and retain our fellow young adults. The YAM also serves as a means to bridge the gap between the "old school" and the "new school" within the church and strives to be the foundation for the new wave of young adults to come.
Board of Christian Education
Board of Deacons
Board of Trustees