12-14 Midland Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07042


"All About Jesus"

Pastor Campbell B. Singleton, III - 03/18/2018

"You Are Welcome In This Place"

Pastor Campbell B. Singleton, III - 03/11/2018

"Yes, I'm Different" 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Pastor Campbell B. Singleton, III - 03/4/2018
Youth & Young Adult Sunday

"Get Out of Line" Mark 5:21-34

Rev. Shakeema North - 02/25/2018
Hit The Mark

"Four Marks of Spiritual Maturity" Hebrews 5:11-14

Pastor Campbell B. Singleton, III - 02/18/2018

"Temptation" Luke 4:1-13

Minister Justin White - 01/28/2018

"Done" Mark 1: 14-20

Pastor Campbell B. Singleton, III - 01/21/2018

"Revolutionary Spirit in Montclair" Acts 17:1-9

Rev. Dr. Peter Heltzel - 01/14/2018

"Looking For A Leader" Judges 9:7-15

Rev. James O. Stallings - 01/7/2018

"New Leaf" Mark 1:1-8

Pastor Campbell B. Singleton, III - 12/10/2017

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Vision Statement

"Union Baptist Church is seeking transformation as we lift up Jesus Christ who empowers all to live transformed lives."

More Info

12-14 Midland Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042
All Rights Reserved ©2025 - Union Baptist Church of Montclair
Site: Two Mites